Eswatini Antivenom Foundation
28 February & 1 March
To be held at the Eswatini Reptile Education Centre, Siphocosini
FRIDAY 28 February at 08:45
Two snakebite antivenoms have potential to
reduce Eswatini’s dependency upon a single,
increasingly unavailable product: Results of
preclinical efficacy testing

Eswatini Antivenom Foundation
Eswatini Anitvenom Foundation aims to raise funds to treat snake bite victims in Eswatini. Snakebites are a disease of circumstance and poverty. The majority of snakebite victims are those who live in poor or rural communities.These bites often result in loss of life, a limb or even the ability to work because of a life-changing injury. Timely treatment with appropriate antivenom, along with modern medical care can prevent, reverse or at least minimise the major clinical aspects of snake envenoming. Sadly antivenoms are incredibly expensive when compared with the average income of the people most likely to require them. Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland), located in Southern Africa, is especially affected by snakebites. An abundance of dangerous venomous snakes and a stretched medical budget can manifest into a serious snakebite problem.
Upcoming Training Events
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How to Avoid Snakebites & What To Do If You Get Bitten
Printable Posters
Dangerous Snakes of Eswatini
Downloadable Poster
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Snake Bite Treatment
Downloadable Poster
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Venom Opthalmia
Printable A3 Poster
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Printable A3 Snake Fact Sheets
Mozambique Spitting Cobra
Downloadable A3 Poster
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Black Mamba
Downloadable A3 Poster
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Snouted Cobra
Downloadable A3 Poster
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Puff Adder
Downloadable A3 Poster
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Downloadable A3 Poster
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Downloadable A3 Poster
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Eswatini has a largely rural population living close to venomous snakes that cause an estimated 200 – 400 cases of snakebite envenoming each year. Species such as the puff adder (Bitis arietans), Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica) and the much-feared black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) are responsible for most serious cases… Read More